Dear Mr. Director,
We would like to cordially invite you and your colleagues to the 5th annual conference on the topic:
“Expected development of the aerospace and defense industry
in the Czech Republic and in the World"
which takes place on 5 June 2024 in Brno, in the congress center of the Quality Hotel Brno Exhibition Center (former name of the Holiday Inn hotel next to the Brno exhibition center)
The main thematic areas of the professional conference:
The aim of the conference is to support the development of the aviation and defense industry and the mutual exchange of experiences and opinions of representatives of aircraft manufacturers, their suppliers, representatives of companies and institutions involved in the development of the aviation and defense industry.
We believe that participation in the conference will be beneficial for you and your company.
We are looking forward to your participation
With respect and best wishes for success
Ing. Petr Mandelík, Ph.D.
Conference program:
8:30 – 9:30 Registration of participants, Informal meeting
9:30 - Opening ceremony
9:35 – 11:15 Support for the development of the defense and aerospace industry, Opinions and experiences, Plenary session:
Opening speech: Representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic
Representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic (in discussion)
Trends, Innovations, New technologies, Opportunities, Opportunities for cooperation, Opinions of representatives of the aerospace and defense industry, Discussion
• RNDr. Jiří Hynek, President and Executive Director, Defense and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic
• Jouni Majuri, Director, Business Development, Global Division, Patria
• Ing. Michal Orlita, AERO Vodochody AEROSPACE a.s.
• Ing. Michal Záviška, Vice President and General Manager, Honeywell Technology Solutions
• Ing. Milan Šlapák, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board of Directors of RSBC Holding, Steyr Arms, Arex
• Ing. Marek Fiala, První Brno strojírna Velká Bíteš, a. s.
• Ing. Juraj Palko, Business director, ZETOR ENGINEERING s.r.o
• Ing. Martin Šimonyi, Director of the Quality Management Department, Letecké opravovne Trenčín, a.s.
• other guests in the meeting
11:15 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 12:45 Trends, Innovations, New technologies, Opportunities, Possibilities of cooperation, Opinions and experiences of suppliers and partners of the aerospace and defense industry, Discussion
• Ing. Jaroslav Hovorka, Ph.D., CEO, MESIT asd, s.r.o.
• Ing. Jarmil Cileček, honorary director, CEO, Alucast, s.r.o. Supplier of, for example, AIRBUS, BOEING airplanes
• Ing. Jaroslav Schuster, EXPLOSIA, a.s.
Trends in robotization and production automation in the aerospace and defense industry
• Ing. Kamil Bartoš, FANUC Czech s.r.o.
Trends and opportunities for using artificial intelligence in the aerospace and defense industry
• Ing. Emil Beneš, Head of Sales, ADASTRA CZ
Digital transformation in industry, Case studies in the aerospace and defense industry
• Ing. Josef Fritschka, Executive Director, TECHNODAT
Possibilities of energy and operational savings for companies
• Pavel Berka, Commercial Director, TEDOM Energy
12:45 – 13:30 Lunch
13:45 – 15:00 Support for financing the export of the aviation and defense industry
• Ing. Miroslav Stříbrný, Director of the Department of Trade and Export Financing, Czech Export Bank
• EGAP company representative
Production and outlook of business in Ukraine, Experience and opportunities for cooperation
• Ing. Michaela Macharik, Time & Space Ukraine, owner, Ukrainian-Czech Chamber of Commerce – Vice President
• Dr.-Ing. Markus Ciupek Time & Space Ukraine, owner
3D Technology in the aerospace and defense industry
• Ing. Marek Mančal, Commercial Director, 3Dwiser s.r.o.
Funding and subsidy opportunities in the aerospace and defense industry, Opportunities
• Ing. Martin Bednář, Chief Sales Officer of enovation s.r.o.
Waste treatment and recycling innovation in the aerospace and defense industry
• Ing. Libor Kejř, BRIKLIS, spol. s.r.o
Innovations in metal processing, surface treatment and maintenance, Trends, Experience
• Ing. Pavel Čepelák, Ekomaziva s.r.o.
Cyber security in the aerospace and defense industry, experience, recommendations
• Ing. Tomáš Krejčí, Deputy Director of the Office, Section of the National Center for Cyber Security, National Office for Cyber and Information Security
Other topics under discussion
Use of artificial intelligence, Innovation, new technologies and services, Support for production, export, investment and cooperation opportunities, Opinions and experiences
• Discussion and experiences of the participants
15:00 – 15:15 Coffee break
15:15 – 16:00 Trends in the aviation and defense industry in the Czech Republic and in the world, Investments, Opportunities, Discussion
• Prof. Doc. Stanislav Škapa, Ph.D., Economist
• Other guests in the meeting
16:00 Informal meeting with Moravian wine tasting, Raffle,
Očekávaný vývoj leteckého a obranného průmyslu v ČR a ve světě - 6.ročník24.9.2025 Brno, Quality Hotel Brno Exhibition Centre ( dřívější název Holiday Inn Brno ) |
Očekávaný vývoj leteckého a obranného průmyslu v ČR a ve světě - 4.ročník25.10.2023 Brno, Quality Hotel Brno Exhibition Centre ( dřívější název Holiday Inn Brno ) |
Očekávaný vývoj leteckého a obranného průmyslu v ČR a ve světě - 3.ročník13.9.2022 Brno, Quality Hotel Brno Exhibition Centre ( dřívější název Holiday Inn Brno ) |
Očekávaný vývoj leteckého průmyslu v ČR a ve světě – 2.ročník4.12.2019 Brno, Holiday Inn |
Očekávaný vývoj leteckého průmyslu v ČR a ve světě4.12.2018 Brno, Holiday Inn |
tel: +420 777 635 758
Iniciály organizátora:
Konference s.r.o.
Sídlo: Brno 643 00, Zámecká 105/22
IČ: 26966301
Bankovní spojení: Česká spořitelna, a.s.
číslo účtu : 2052770399/0800
IBAN CZ91 0800 0000 0020 5277 0399