Dear friends,
We would like you and your colleagues to invite to the 13th year of professional conference on the topic
"Expected development of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic and Central Europe"
to be held on 19. 10. 2016 in Brno, at the Holiday Inn
Main topics of the forum:
Trends in the automotive industry in the Czech Republic and abroad
Experience and views of representatives of the automotive industry
Successful strategies of manufacturers and suppliers in the automotive industry
Support for innovation and new product development
Possibilities of increasing productivity in the automotive industry
New technologies in the automotive industry
Automation Trends in the automotive industry
The cooperation of manufacturers, suppliers and supporting companies in the automotive industry
The aim of the conference is to exchange experiences and opinions of representatives of vehicle manufacturers, parts and accessories manufacturers, experts and representatives of companies that contribute to the development of the automotive industry. The conference was attended by more than 260 representatives of companies as the Volkswagen, Skoda Auto, TPCA, Hyundai, KIA, IVECO, Tatra, Zetor Tractors and other manufacturers and suppliers in the automotive industry.
We believe that participation in the conference will be for you and your company benefit.
We are looking forward to your participation
With respect and wishing you many successes
Ing. Petr Mandelík, Ph.D.
Konference s.r.o.
Tel.: +420 777 635 758
E-mail :
Conference program:
9:30 - Opening Ceremony
Plenary session:
9:35 - 10:45 Trends in the automotive industry in the Czech Republic and abroad, Strategies car manufacturers, opinions and experiences Discussion
• Ing. Martin Jahn, MBA, President of AIA, member of the Supervisory Board of ŠKODA Auto SpA and Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing, FAW-VW (tbc)
• Prof. Ing. Juraj Sinay, DrSc., President, the Association of Automotive Industry SR
• Ing. Pavel Řežábek, Ph.D., Member of the Board of the Czech National Bank
• Ing. Bohdan Wojnar, AIA Vice President, Member of the Board, ŠKODA Auto Inc.
• Ing. Radek Vošta, General Manager Production Control TPCA, Toyota Peugeot Citroën Automobile Czech, Ltd.
• Mgr. Petr Vanek, Director of External Relations, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech
• Ing. Dusan Dvorak, Kia Motors Slovakia Ltd.
• A representative of Jaguar Land Rover (tbc)
The study Global Automotive Executive Survey 2016
• Ing. Jan Linhart, Partner, KPMG Czech Republic
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 - 12:45 Trends in the development of production of trucks and buses
• Ing. Jiri Vanek, General Manager, IVECO CZECH REPUBLIC
• A company representative ZETOR TRACTORS Inc.
• Ing. Martin Šustek, Purchasing Director, Tatra Trucks Inc.
Opinions and experiences by suppliers in the automotive industry
• Ing. Pavel Juříček, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board, Brano Group
Vice President of the Association of Automotive Industry
Automotive Industry in Austria - Opportunities for cooperation between Austrian and Czech firms
• Ing. Martin Zak, Austrian Embassy - Commercial Section
Announcement of the competition "COMPANY OF THE YEAR Czech automotive industry"
12:45 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 16:30 Automation Trends in the automotive industry
• Ing. Thomas Prasil, Director of Project Management, MOTOR JIKOV Group, Inc.
Automotive Industry in draft 4.0
• Ing. Vladimir Bartos, director of sales support, Minerva Czech Republic, Inc.
How to practically grab Industry 4.0 in terms of Czech industry
• Ing. Roman Žák, Chairman of the Board, and AIMTEC. S.
Collaborative robots and Industry 4.0
• Ing. Petr Duchoslav, General Manager, FANUC Ltd. Czech
Revision of the standard quality management system in the automotive industry IATF
• A representative of LRQA
Support planning and quality control
• Josef Svoboda, Director of DYTRON Ltd.
Industry 4.0 - Robot as a Tool for the perfect production process
• Ing. Milan Balko, CEO robotec, Ltd.
Vendor experience in the automotive industry
• Ing. Ales Plihal, Managing Director, ESAB Ltd., a member of the group
Possibilities of energy savings in industrial enterprises
• Arne Springorum, CEO, QUEST program director, HE Consulting Ltd.
Outcomes of this study "How Automakers Can Survive the Self-Driving Era
• A representative of A.T. Kearney GmbH
Supporting the development and cooperation of suppliers in the automotive industry
• Ing. Ladislav Glogar, Executive Director, Silesian Automotive Cluster
Promoting investment in the automotive industry
• Ing. Martin Krejci, Chief Investment Officer of CzechInvest
New ISO standard, an opportunity or a threat
• Ing. Andrew Hykš, Czech Society for Quality
How to develop employees' skills in accordance with the standards VDA and QS?
• Ing. Vilem Patloka, Managing Director of SC & C Partner, spol. s.r.o.
A new era of materials in the automotive industry
• Ing. Jan Tesar, Director of New Era Materials s. r.o.
17:00 Raut tasting of Moravian wine, Tombola
Announcement of the award "Innovation decades in the automotive industry"
During the conference will be held in the foyer of the consultation of representatives of car manufacturers, suppliers, partners and companies supporting the development of the automotive industry.
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Očekávaný vývoj odvětví automobilového průmyslu v ČR a střední Evropě – 9. ročník24. 10. 2012 Brno, Holiday Inn
Očekávaný vývoj odvětví automobilového průmyslu v ČR a střední Evropě26. 10. 2011 Brno, Holiday Inn
Očekávaný vývoj automobilového průmyslu v ČR a střední Evropě20. 10. 2010 Brno, Holiday Inn
Očekávaný vývoj automobilového průmyslu v ČR a střední Evropě21.10.2009 Brno, Holiday Inn
Očekávaný vývoj automobilového průmyslu30.10. 2008 Brno, Holiday Inn
Očekávaný vývoj odvětví obchodu28.05.2008 Brno, Holiday Inn
Očekávaný vývoj automobilového průmyslu v ČR a střední Evropě31. 10. 2007 Brno, Holiday Inn
Trendy v odvětví obchodu v ČR a SR17. 5. 2007 Brno, Holiday Inn
Zvyšování produktivity průmyslových podniků25. 4. 2007 Brno, Holiday Inn
Očekávaný vývoj cen fosilních paliv28. 3. 2007 Brno, Holiday Inn
tel: +420 777 635 758
Iniciály organizátora:
Konference s.r.o.
Sídlo: Brno 643 00, Zámecká 105/22
IČ: 26966301
Bankovní spojení: Česká spořitelna, a.s.
číslo účtu : 2052770399/0800
IBAN CZ91 0800 0000 0020 5277 0399