Dear friends,
We would like you and your colleagues to invite to the 17th year of professional conference on the topic
"Expected development of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic and Central Europe"
to be held on 2. 12. 2020 in Brno, at the Holiday Inn
Main topics of the forum:
Trends in the automotive industry in the Czech Republic and abroad
Experience and views of representatives of the automotive industry
Successful strategies of manufacturers and suppliers in the automotive industry
Support for innovation and new product development
Possibilities of increasing productivity in the automotive industry
New technologies in the automotive industry
Automation Trends in the automotive industry
The cooperation of manufacturers, suppliers and supporting companies in the automotive industry
The aim of the conference is to exchange experiences and opinions of representatives of vehicle manufacturers, parts and accessories manufacturers, experts and representatives of companies that contribute to the development of the automotive industry.
The conference will be attended by more than 250 automotive suppliers from the Czech and Slovak Republics, Germany, Austria and other countries.
The conference will be translated into English.
We believe that participation in the conference will be for you and your company benefit.
We are looking forward to your participation
With respect and wishing you many successes
Ing. Petr Mandelík, Ph.D.
Konference s.r.o.
Tel.: +420 777 635 758
E-mail :
Program of the conference :
9:00 - Opening ceremony
9:00 - 9:15 Trends and expected economic development in the World
• Vojtěch Benda, Member of the Bank Board of the Czech National Bank
9:15 - 9:45 Support for the development of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
• Eduard Muřický, Section of Industry, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
• Representative of Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
9:45 - 10:45 Trends in production, introduction of innovations and new technologies, Opinions and experiences, Discussion, Invited representatives:
• Martin Vícha, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing
• Martin Peleška, Toyota Central Europe
• Ján Žgravčák, Kia Motors Slovakia
• Representative of Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia ( in negotiations )
10:45 - 11:00 Global Automotive Executive Survey 2020 study
• Jan Linhart, Partner, KPMG Czech Republic
11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 - 11:30 The factory of the future in the automotive industry
• René Zahradník, Head of Sales, Digital Industry Division, Siemens CZ
11:30 - 11:45 Experience and new perspectives of TATRA TRUCKS a.s.
• Pavel Lazar, MBA, Executive Director, TATRA TRUCKS a.s.
11:45 - 12:00 Challenges and the future of the automotive industry
• Tomas Kozelsky, EU Office / Knowledge Center, Ceska Sporitelna, a.s.
12:00 - 12:15 Strategic restart of companies in the period after the coronary crisis. How to switch from crisis management of companies to the mode of recovery and possibly also strategic development.
• Petr Karásek, MBA, LL.M,
12:30 - 12:45 Challenges, opportunities and Threats in the automotive industry
12:45 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:30 Discussion block: Industry 4.0., Digitization 4.0., Increasing productivity in the automotive industry, Trends in automation, robotics, innovation and productivity, Cost reduction, Quality, Discussion
• Ing. Petr Duchoslav, Managing Director, FANUC Czech s.r.o.
• Ing. Vladimír Bartoš, Sales Support Director, Minerva Czech Republic, a.s.
• Ing. Robert Matras, Senior Consultant, EDITEL CZ
Ing. Petr Kučera, Robotics and Discrete Automation ABB Česká republika
Ing. Petr Musil, Ředitel oboru Engineering , DEL a.s.
Ing. Josef Svoboda, Jednatel,DYTRON s.r.o.
• Ing. Tomáš Chmelík, Ph.D., Head of Department / E / MOBILITY, ČEZ, as
• Ing. Miroslav Kuželka, E-Mobility Product and Marketing Director, ABB
• Ing. Petr Gaman, E-Mobility Technical Consultant, PEGATECH s.r.o.
• Representative of SOR Libchavy spol. s r.o.
Trends in electromobility development of car manufacturers and requirements for suppliers, Invited representatives of automakers and important representatives of the automotive industry.
15:30 - 15:45 Coffee break
15:45 - 17:30 Opinions and experiences of suppliers and partners in the automotive industry, Innovation, new technologies, savings opportunities, cooperation opportunities
• Representative of Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Czech s.r.o.
• Representative of ifm electronic, spol. s r.o.
• Other companies and speakers in the meeting
Use of virtual reality in the automotive sector - research and experience of the Ipsos CE Cluster company
• Ing. Jakub BAREŠ, Executive Director, Ipsos
Sustainable future and organic design
• Ing. Attila Baláž, Executive Director, ABACO Solutions Ltd.
Other topics and speakers in the meeting
Trends and prospects of the automotive industry, Final discussion
Moderator: Doc. Ing. Stanislav Skapa, Ph.D.
Invited representatives of the automotive industry and the media: Czech Television, ČTK, Thomson Reuters, Czech Radio and others.
17.30 Final refreshment with Moravian wine tasting, Informal meeting
Tombola, 1. Price weekend stay in the Alps for two people in the hotel ALPENHOF.
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Očekávaný vývoj odvětví automobilového průmyslu v ČR a střední Evropě – 9. ročník24. 10. 2012 Brno, Holiday Inn
Očekávaný vývoj odvětví automobilového průmyslu v ČR a střední Evropě26. 10. 2011 Brno, Holiday Inn
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Očekávaný vývoj odvětví obchodu28.05.2008 Brno, Holiday Inn
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Trendy v odvětví obchodu v ČR a SR17. 5. 2007 Brno, Holiday Inn
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tel: +420 777 635 758
Iniciály organizátora:
Konference s.r.o.
Sídlo: Brno 643 00, Zámecká 105/22
IČ: 26966301
Bankovní spojení: Česká spořitelna, a.s.
číslo účtu : 2052770399/0800
IBAN CZ91 0800 0000 0020 5277 0399